Why Casework Efficiency Matters
Never miss a constituent's request for help
CivicTrack helps you stay organized, respond quickly, and focus on what matters most—serving your community.

Respond Faster, Respond Smarter
You serve a large set of constituents. Contrary to their belief, they’re not entirely unique. Whether it’s a similar service, inquiry, or personality, you can filter accordingly and multiply your efforts with bulk actions.
Centralized Case Tracking
Access the complete history of every constituent interaction. View past communications, track updates, and ensure consistency in responses, so your team always has the full context when handling cases.


Know your office's limits
Work with what you've got and create efficiencies. Instantly know what each team member is working on, identify the most pressing issues in your community, track response times, and more.
Outreach Made Simple
Need to update your community or respond to a crisis? CivicTrack’s communication tools make it easy to send personalized messages or announcements to large groups with just a few clicks, filtered by inquiry, personality, demographic, and more.

Book a personalized demo today
See how CivicTrack can be a game-changer for managing your casework and constituent inquiries.